Restoring People to Abundant Life

Through prayer, healing gifts, counseling, prophetic ministry, and deliverance. We believe that the sanctioned and ratifying love of God is the true source of all transformation and healing.


Experience physical healing and restoration through prayer and gifts of healing.


Find emotional and mental healing through counseling, and prayer, unlocking inner peace and clarity.


Partner with God’s love and experience spiritual renewal through prophetic ministry, and deliverance for a restored and purposeful life.

Jehovah Our Healer

Rapha (raw-faw) רָפָא

Jehovah, is derived from the Hebrew word Havah which can be translated as to be, to exist, or to become known. The Hebraic translation of Rapha (râpâ) means to restore or to heal.

Who We Are

About Rapha Restoration Place

Sanctioned Love Ministries is based on Isaiah 61: 1-4. We know it is the heart of our Heavenly Father that His children would walk in freedom and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. All movement of Sanctioned Love Ministries comes out of prayer.

The Vision

To partner with Rapha (Healer) God in bringing restoration to individuals and families . . . body, mind, and spirit.

The Mission

We believe that the sanctioned and ratifying love of God is the true source of all transformation and healing.

The Story

While praying during a team weekend, the Holy Spirit gave us the name Rapha Restoration Place.

What Is O.I?

When Creator was desinging us, He desinged us with an Original Intent. His best for us was to be whole in our body, mind, and spirit. Many events can take place where our wholeness becomes broken. We can experience many thigs like shame, rejection, fear, loss, anxiety, rage, addictions, sickness, depression, hopelessness, loneliness, and many others. The enemy of our souls will try to convince us that: “This is how it will always be”, “Everyone has these problems, just deal with it,” This is the new normal”, “I will just have to learn to live with this back pain”, or even “Why should I be alive, I don’t have anything good to offer anyone!” These are lies from the enemy which rob you from your Original Intent.


We are offering certified, Christian based counseling for individuals, couples, and children. These counselors are led by the Holy Spirit and bring and atomosphere of His healing love.

Drug and Alcohol Counseling and Mentorship

We have a team member who is a certified recovery counselor and mentor and offers private and group session. She brings 20+ years of experience.

Soul Care

We provide a safe place for an individual to encounter father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Our soul care team is trained to steward questions to reveal lies and exchange them with the truth.

Fractured Soul Care (Trauma Victims)

Trauma can shatter our soul. Our team is trained to partner with Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to help restore the broken pieces.


The meaning of deliver is to set free. Sometimes the circumstances we are born into or even our life choices, make us vulnerable to satan and his cohorts. Their involvement can greatly weigh us down and even cause destruction in our lives. Our deliverance team is trained to bring freedom to individuals by bringing an atmosphere of His authoritative love and the power of the truth of His word.

How We Got Started

Sanctioned Love Ministries is based on Isaiah 61: 1-4. We know it is the heart of our Heavenly Father that His children would walk in freedom and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. All movement of Sanctioned Love Ministries comes out of prayer. We meet weekly to seek the heart of God to ask how we can partner with Him in the earth today. Out of that place of prayer, we knew we were being called to a local ministry of healing and restoration, a boots-on-the-ground representation of the heart of Jesus for all people. During a team weekend, we knew it was time to move forward with a wholeness center. While praying, the Holy Spirit gave us the name Rapha Restoration Place. We feel honored to share this vision with our community. We give all thanks and glory to our God.

Our Team

Meet The Leaders

Marcy Johnston

Marcy Johnston

Director of RRP and VP of Sanctioned Love Ministries

“This project carries the chambers of my heart!”

Lynda Renne

Lynda Renne

President and Founder of Sanctioned Love Ministries, Executive Director of RRP

“An extension of the healing branch of Sanctioned Love.”

What We Do

Our Services 

We are a non-profit organization. Our team members offer Biblical, spiritual services to anyone who desires them regardless of ability to pay. However, we are requesting your consideration to give a donation. We have many costs within the operations of Rapha Restoration Place. These would include: administrative personnel, rent, utilities, office supplies, staff training, etc. Your donation is an investment into your healing journey and also into the healing journey for others to come. Please prayerfully consider a $90 donation.”


Individual Services

Counseling ($100/session)

Inner Healing/Soul Care

Prophetic Prayer

Healing Prayer

Group Services

Counseling ($100/session)

Training Seminars

Leadership Restoration and Development

Documents for Services


Confidential Client Intake & Release_Waiver Form.pdf

Deliverancce Ministry Questionnaire.pdf

Family Wellness

Jail Ministry

Rapha Restoration Place

Contact Us

1146 Pine Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

Phone: 541-591-8984

2 + 6 =

Partner / Pay

Rapha Restoration Place offers services for healing for the mind, soul, body, and spirit by partnering with the Holy Spirit. There is a lot that goes into the administration and execution of Rapha Restoration Place. If you would like to become a Partner with Rapha Restoration Place or you would like to pay for a service, then please click the button below.